At Rothera there is a type of cleaning rota where by everyone on base takes it in turn to have a day where they help out in the kitchen and clean certain areas around the base. It's a great day to get involved with the kitchen and do some of your own cooking, give your own back to the base and it's nice to have a day off from your usual job to do something different.
So we actually call it the gash rota, and it rotates around like below.
We then do various cleaning jobs, but then we work in this awesome kitchen for the day.
When you are in the kitchen doing the dishes there is a pretty good view.
Haha, no there actually is a good view. You can watch ice bergs float past or pieces of pack ice drift by with seals sleeping peacefully or even watch a penguin waddle on by and if you're lucky you can watch the planes land!

You are given the option to make what ever you want if you're keen so I mixed some herbs together to make Herbs De Provence as this is what I always cook with when I'm at home!
It's awesome working in an industrial kitchen...even the pots are bigger than you!
Anna and I took the afternoon to make coconut macaroons which were lush.
Even when not on gash duty you can offer to help out the chefs. As it was St David's Day this week I just had to make welsh cakes....however there are 76 people on base which meant I had to make over 100 welsh cakes....I can't actually believe I managed it without burning any, making that much of a mess or poisoning anyone! They turned out to be rather moorish.