Tuesday, 5 June 2018


We have had 2 weeks of no communication, we are also out of the ice...boo. After getting a wee bit stuck we turned around and headed for the freedom of the ice free zone. I have spent my days collecting data at different stations either filtering water for Fatty acid analysis which I will do once back in the lab at SAMs or conducting oxygen titrations from the CTD or if not either of those then I have been selecting copepods from either the bongo or muchness nets and measuring their respiration rates! I measure their respiration over one day. I then take a photo of them under the microscope so that I can measure their width length and lipid sac area. They are then preserved for further analysis at BAS using their Carbon and Nitrogen machine. I will upload some more photos explaining all of these techniques when the internet is a bit more stable. We are sampling sites around Svalbard, amazing scenery; we will be in Longyearbean on Friday and then heading home. For now here is a picture of a copepod which is a type of Zooplankton!