A few of us wintering folk were picked to do an advanced first aid course, the reason for this is the fact that we only have one doctor (Tom) during the winter and he can't do everything...especially if ends up ill! We fitted what felt like a 3rd year medical course into 3 days!

The aim was to be train us up to be medical assistants but to also do some of the minor even to major things on our own.

Would you trust this man? Our lovely doc for the next 18 months. #lad
We spent our time split between DDRC and observing patients in the emergency department in Derriford hospital. In an intense few days we learnt how to provide basic life support through developing our ABCDE care but more about how to stabilise the patient, we learnt how to x ray, plaster each other, put a cannula in to attach an IV drip, administer adrenaline and antibiotics and a few more skills that hopefully we won't need.
Our skills were tested on a similuator, it was the scariest version of any doll I've ever seen! His eyes moved, he spoke and he had real fits and breathing difficulties; so when we were placed inside this room with what felt like examiners on the other side it actually felt like a real situation! All patients lived after so I think we did a good job!
Now onto Plymouth dive week; Kate's definitely ready for this!